Yesterday I decided on a whim to setup our three man dome tent – whilst it was raining. The plan was that I could see whether it was water tight and then today Bella and I could camp out in it overnight as a bit of a new experience for her.

There was a bit of water in the tent this morning due to me not pegging down the outer cover of the tent correctly, but that was easy enough to dry out. Even though its quite windy and there is snow on the mountains in the area its actually quite cosy. It makes me wonder what being a virtual employee whilst travelling around Australia woud look like.

I could imagine scenario where every Friday evening you’d pack up the tent and move to the next down with an Internet cafe or 3G coverage. You’d say there for the week and then continue on your way the following weekend. There are some pretty good mobile generators around now, and running a laptop doesn’t take that much power.