Its the vibe!

Darren Neimke is hosting TechTalkBlogs at the moment, and one of the things he has kicked off is Vista Vibes (one, two and three – currently). The idea is to get real peoples opinions on Windows Vista before the marketing department has a chance to put any spin on it, or before the industry pundits get to have their two bobs worth. Because its still not released the people that Darren are interviewing tend to be technical folk who love living on the bleeding edge – the trail blazers if you will.

The first Vista Vibe was with Frank Arrigo and although Frank runs the DPE team at Microsoft, he is usually pretty forthcoming with his own opinions. The second Vista Vibe was with Grant Holliday who has been having fun getting all his kit working on the new operating system. Finally, the third Vista Vibe is with Ian Griffiths who will probably need to take out a restraining order against Joseph because of the whole fan-stalker thing.

One of the things that I liked about Ian’s interview is that it explained why so many people do the spinning textbox demo in WPF, but he also points out how we really need to move beyond that though. I disagree however that WPF isn’t really for Line-of-Business applications. I’m convinced that building lots of small task orientated Navigation Applications in WPF is the way to go for a lot of enterprise development scenarios, especially when you couple it with secure-by-default WCF communication channels, ClickOnce and start menu/shell enhancements.

Keep up the good work Darren – who is next?