Grant Holliday has joined the conversation and links to a number of resources which I am going to spend some time digesting. Interestingly he zoomed right in on what I consider to be a central issue – ethics. I like to think that even though I’m not recognised by the ACS (or any organisation) as a professional that I still conduct myself in this field ethically.

Personally I’d find it frustraiting to be on the receiving end of a negligence case and have a code of conduct or set of ethical principals used against me when I never subscribed to them – but worse, that the majority of those working in the ICT field haven’t subscribed to.

I suspect that I am going to agree with a lot of the material that you have linked to Grant, but lets turn it around a bit. How can I as a practicing ICT tradesperson protect myself from being held accountable to a set of standards that I don’t agree to, and which a minority in the industry have forced upon me?