With the release of Visual Studio 2005 it is time to start looking at updating my certifications. It should be quite interesting this time around because the structure of the Microsoft Certified Professional program has changed quite a bit. You can check out the new structure over at the Microsoft Certified Professional Developer homepage.

Basically they have split the program into two parts, there are a set of technology specialisations (MCTS certifications) and then a set of job focused specialisations (MCPD certifications). I’ll probably end up going for all of the technology specialisations first and then onto the job focused ones in due time.

All of the technical specialisations require you to pass exam 70–536 or “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – Application Development Foundation”. If you look at the skills being measured it is pretty stock standard BCL stuff. As part of my preparation (just waiting to get signed up to the BETA exam) I am going to bash out a few posts about the skills being measured just to see what I know.