I tend to process my blogs in batches these days. Every other day or so I will scan my entire list of feeds for interesting content. Rather than reacting to the post immediately I will flag it for follow-up, then on the weekend or some other time when I get a sufficient time slice I will dig through backlog of “interesting posts” and reply to them methodically.

This approach is not perfect. For starters, when I come back to the post I’ve often forgotten what in it interested me so much – it may have been time sensitive and that time has now passed, or I simply am not interested in the subject any more.

What I would love to have is the ability to indicate some how the reason I flagged a post for follow-up so that when I come back to it I can immediately be remind of what was so interesting or comment worthy. If I didn’t do so much blog reading in public spaces then an audio queue would be perfect – but failing that a point and click approach would be fine.

I see two different modes of operation one would be keyboard based where I can say “follow-up with note” via a keyboard shortcut and then type a note. If I am mousing my way through feeds then a point and click based approach would surely include select a segement of text from a post and saying “follow-up because of this”.

My ultimate device would interface my brain to the RSS reader and allow me to freeze my brains stack frame and persist it so I can context switch later on. I wonder if this is an idea I should talk to my GP about . . .