Rocky has posted up a great article which quotes Howard Schmidt (former Whitehouse Cybersecurity Advisor). I think that as society gets more litigious lots of professions will be scrutinised about the quality of their product and service. So I think that this is less about security and more about a general trend.

In the software industry we have long been aware of the issues associated with building software for devices that affect peoples physical well-being, and one can rightly be expected to be the target of a lawsuit if you stuff that up.

But what about financial well-being? To what extent does the organisation you did the work for share responsibility for the software produced, especially when they are probably the ones that put you under impossible deadlines and stole testing time to slip in features.

If I am going to get sued for building software then I am going to charge a lot more for my services and start making certain schedule demands. Needless to say - everything will be time and materials.