Its been a pretty big year for technical events here in Australia. Obviously the biggest event this year is TechEd 2005 closely followed by VSLive! in November. Code Camp Oz was but a little blip on the radar this year but I think all who attended would agree that it was a great community building event.

Greg and I plan on organising the event again for next year and we’ve already started having discussions with the great folks at Charles Sturt University about the venue options that we have, we are still talking about this and we don’t have a firm date as yet.

Another thing that we need to look at is the kinds of content that is likely to be presented at the event. Because it will be held next year Visual Studio 2005 would have had some settle time out there in the business world so I would expect less “futures” focused sessions and more “here and now” type sessions.

The thing is however that deciding on the content for a Code Camp is supposed to be open to the community. There are lots of ways to do this, but I just read this interesting post about Open Spaces.

I think planning the event on the first day of the event might be a little too radical for some so we may have to do the planning excercise beforehand – but I did think that it was quite and interesting approach.