Looks like Angus Logan is moving back to RSS Bandit.

The first aggregator I ever used was NewsGator and up until recently I was a very loyal customer. However – I found that once I reached a certain number of subscriptions the performance started getting unacceptably slow.

This is one of the reasons that pushing RSS down into the the platform (ala Windows Vista and IE 7.0) is a good thing. The information can just trickle in efficiently and higher level applications like Outlook (and goodness knows else) can use that central/shared store to visualise (and even analyse!) that information.

I actually moved to RSS Bandit, mostly because I wanted to support the .NET developer community, but also because I think .NET applications will be best placed to leverage future RSS technologies. Having said that RSS Bandit still takes up about 100MB of RAM with the number of feeds that I have

I may be to dig out the profiler one day and find out why.