Apple users around the world are in a frenzy about the recent announcement by Steve Jobs that Apple will be leveraging Intel processors in their future hardware platform. While some Mac users have taken the news badly the majority are in favour of the move and are dismissing the vocal minority as recalcitrants. One loyal Mac user in favour of the changes was heard saying “I don’t know what they are complaining about, besides our place is to follow obiediently, not question the wisdom of our superiors”.

Industry observers have pointed out that the change will result in many Mac users being forced to upgrade their hardware prematurely but as was pointed out to this researcher – “we are used to paying through the nose for our addiction”.

What hasn’t been widely publicised is the rapid release of yet another version of the Mac operating system to take advantage of the underlying hardware changes. Apple Mac OS Xp Wild Boar is designed to leverage the Intel processor and also includes a number of dramatic user interface improvements. While Wild Boar isn’t widely available yet, but a number of user communities close to Apple have been trialing the software for a few days already.

Inowa Photashowpe is the elected chairperson of the Apple insiders group PEople On New Stuff (PEONS) and has had this to say about the platform.

When Steve called me up to tell me he was sending some copies of Wild Boar over I just about wet my pants, I mean Wild Boar is cool and everything, but Steve! Calling me!”

Perhaps the dramatic change in the platform is the transformation of the docking bar into a streamlined blue bar across the button of the screen with a stylish green button for starting programs. When criticised that the “begin bar” made the Mac look a little bit like a Windows box Steve Jobs simply replied “this latest advancement proves that Apple is on the forefront of human machine interaction, besides we use a completely different shade of blue and green”.

When Bill Gates was asked about the recent developments he said “Steve is always trying to take credit for our work, next thing you know he’ll be telling us that their Tablet model with ONE pen is earth breaking. My hat is off to him though – white headphones was pure genius”.