Some of you who have been reading my blog for a while would know that I created a set of NAnt tasks that do things like support unit testing in NAnt with csUnit. I also added two tasks that can be used to start and stop an in-proc instance of Cassini for smoke testing web applications.

Well – I’ve released a new version ( over at Project Distributor which adds a task for doing a HTTP GET on a site and making sure you get a 200 OK response (basically a smoke test to make sure the Web.config file and any page you hit aren’t having basic syntactical issues.

But perhaps the bigger news is that I’ve added a task which can upload files directly into Project Distributor itself. The documentation is a little bit light on at the moment mostly because the build scripts I am using for the build of the build library itself aren’t really my latest and greatest template.

If I get a chance I’ll update them soonish. In the meantime – enjoy the code!