Since Rory asked for my opinion I thought I would chime in with a quick review of the film. Nicola and I went out to see it last night and I have to say I really enjoyed it – it was knee slapping funny – and I loved the new bits.

I’m lucky enough to have read the book(s) and seen the BBC adaptation to a TV series (in fact Nicola (Scottish) has it as part of her video collection). There were a couple of things that really did it for me.

  1. The Vogons. Its as if they took the picture in my head and ran it through a carbon life-form printer. The last scene with the Vogons is a complete pisser. Actually – I think I ran into a Vogon today – he didn’t try and read me poetry but that piece of paper he fetched off the printer was scarey enough for me.
  2. The casting as Rory mentioned was inspirational – Trillian was much more likable than the actor from the BBC series – she was smodlering hot.
  3. There was no BBC effects department in site, or if they were they have improved their act drastically. Actually thats not true – if you have seen the BBC series there were a few cameos thrown in there just for you.
  4. Having lived in Melbourne - the Tram scene.
  5. Marvin – a lot of people don’t like him, but he’s pretty close to what my original vision of him was like. Once again – the funal scene with he Vogons is a classic.

You should really go and see this movie, but its not the book, and its not the BBC series either – its something else. And I would love to see them do another one - there is obviously scope to have a lot of fun plot wise - especially if you assume that they don’t have to be consistent with the story line of the books.