Andrew Coates has just posted up about the Code Camp that Greg Low and I are trying to organise. Truth be told its not just Greg and I, the guys are Microsoft are being very helpful by letting us use their contacts to organise a venue and providing feedback on our plans.

In terms of content, we were planning on soliciting content in the following three areas:

  • Whidbey Stuff (Visual Studio 2005–era)
  • Yukon Stuff (SQL Server 2005–era)
  • Everett Stuff (Visual Studio 2003–era)

Now, that not exclusive, given the recent announcements about the Longhorn ship dates and the press things like Avalon are getting we might throw in a few special interest sessions for that. We will definately have break out rooms for various community activities and maybe even some coding contests - we aren’t entirely sure yet.

If you are interested in presenting shoot me an e-mail at .