Apocalypse of the blogosphere that is. David’s post was interesting to me, not because of its content but more to do with its timing and the fact that I am an Australian. Australians have a pack mentality when it comes to dealing with celebrities. We put them up on pedi stools only to wait for them to start believing their own press and drag them off it. Its called tall poppy syndrome and we practice it most harshly with our own.

It makes me wonder whether the online personalities (not just the super stars like Scoble) are actually Australian because David definately seems to have a dose of the tall poppys.

Thats not a bad thing! Tall poppy syndrome is a corrective mechanism that keeps egos in check and keeps society humming along nicely. It’ll do the same in the blogosphere. The fact that Scoble seems to be serving himself up some humble pie means that it is working.