I have to take partial responsibility for one of Darren's most recent posts. We were conversing over IM about a few different things and I brought up how I am still trying to produce iterative project plans using Microsoft Project 2003. We both lamented its inability to do (or our inability to make it do) this simple task well, but Darren took it personally and started down the slipery slope of turning our discussion into a blog post.

Now that it is out there I guess its time to start one of those blogborne discussions to help educate us. In order to facilitate that we need to get some people blogging that know what the hell they are talking about blogging. As Darren pointed out, it is difficult to find the blog of a Microsoft Project Program or Product Manager - this is were Robert Scoble comes in.

Robert, your mission if you choose to accept it is to go to the office of the Microsoft Project PM and hold their hand while they set up a blog on blogs.msdn.com, you will continue to go to their office for a week and ensure that they post regularly. They say it takes twenty seven days to establish a dirty habit like blogging, but hopefully a week of close Scoble contact will be enough to kick start the process.

Just in case you aren't subscribed to my feed or miss this message (after all, you are only subscribed to 955 feeds or 2200 blogs and process 1500 messages an evening) I'll e-mail a link to this post directly.

For my part, I will make contact with the MS Project MVP in this region and see what I can do about getting them blogging.