Last week, before he presented his session in Canberra, I was having a chat to Jeff Beehler about some of the things I would like to see in TFS down the track. One of the topics that came up was the lack of a scratch pad for developers who wanted to version control their stuff but not choose a process template which was in-appropriate for them.

Well – tonight I sat down and took the process template form MSF Agile 4.0 and stripped it down to the bare essentials. Like all good things, its not what you put in, but what you take away.

  • No portal support.
  • No reporting support.
  • No iterations.

Basically its an empty shell with only one type of work item (Task). You get all this in a tiny 7KB package (download here). This is the first version of the Personal Workspace process template so if you see something that you would like added (or better yet, taken away) .