Greg seems to be in a C# bashing mood today. Personally, I am genetically predisposed to { } brackets, and it really is a personal preference which alot of people seem to forget I think. I don't think choosing between C# and VB.NET for any given project is a hanging offense. The point that Greg makes is that VB.NET suffers from bad PR. I think that is true, VB is every bit as capable, if not more than any of the managed languages, but I would point out that if you keep going around calling yourself Basic then sooner or later people are going to start believing you :P

The point is that we should all be mature enough to accept that there are lots of different programming languages out there, and lots of different people to use them. Then again - its no uncommon for older children to be jealous of younger siblings :)

string.Format("Just my {0:c} worth.", 0.02);

P.S. Greg - I haven't seen any performance difference between VB.NET and C# Windows Forms designers, do you have a sample of a form with equivalent configurations that you can send me that exhibits this behaviour? It would be really interesting to understand what the cause is - because under the covers they both using the same component designer - maybe it is something to do with what goes into InitializeComponent() in C# like the event-wireups (pure speculation).