Etienne Tremblay has posted up a pointer to changes to TFS since the BETA 3 Refresh. One of the things he highlights is the fact that TFS will do longer install on a domain cotnroller. Hooray!

I’ve recently been working on a non-TFS related project for a customer and in their HA configuration they chose to install Active Directory on the same box as their application servers. While in theory this shouldn’t be a problem, from a best practice point of view it is fowned upon. Firstly, it creates a common dependency between two software services by placing them on the same hardware.

Team Foundation Server is essentially a piece of development infrastructure, and if your business relies of the stable operation of its software development environment then you owe it to yourself not to skimp on the provisioning of hardware – that includes trying to co-locate critical network services such as Active Directory on the same box.

Personally I am really happy that they have now effectively disallowed this configuration, I think it will lead to a more reliable installation process. The problem is – what about those people that have already installed TFS on a DC?