I pulled down my e-mail this morning to observe that about four or five comments to posts had gotten through my RDOS filter. The strange thing was that the comments themselves could almost be legitimate.

In the end I deleted them because:

  • They were posted to very old posts (the older a post is the less likely it is that a comment on it is legitimate since it falls out of RSS and someone would have had to have gone digging for it).
  • The posts themselves probably weren’t comment worthy.
  • The comments looked vaguely related to the post, but it was almost as if they had skimmed for a couple of keywords and then concocted a sentence to suit.
  • Four of the comments return to the same URL.

It is possible that the spam bot was automated but I have to wonder. One of the URLs was actually mistyped which programs tend not to do unless they are specifically programmed to – if thats the case then the stacks in the spam war may be getting raised where simple keyword filters won’t do the trick.