If you have watching the PDC05 news stream you will no doubt know about a new technology called LINQ, short for Language Integrated Query. LINQ provides developers with new data aware syntax changes for their programming language of choice (C# or VB) and makes it easy to do things like query a database or surf XML documents.

It is all enabled through a series of carefully crafted language features. For example anonymous types, lambda expressions, expression trees, object and collection initializers and extension methods. If you have been working with C# 2.0 are are used to anonymous methods then you will see where they are heading with this stuff. You can read more about it here.

As an aside, its now clear that Microsoft is innovating at an astounding pace where we start to hear about n+2 features before n+1 has actually shipped. Its important not to be scared by this – this kind of forewarning is useful when designing your software and can actually give your software a longer lifespan – not a shorter one.