TechEd is over for another year and I think everyone had a lot of fun. I know I did! Today I did my C# 2.0 session and perhaps inappropriately indulged in a little bit of Visual Basic bashing. It was all in good fun however because everyone knows that the differences are really minor in the overall scheme of things.

Next year, if there is a call for some language orientated sessions I might suggest that who ever is presenting them gets together and does a single session. That would be a better use of time because so many of the IDE features overlap in both sessions and then the presenters can just do a bunch “here is how we use runtime feature X in language Y” segments. Just an idea . . .

Anyway – time to sign off TechEd for this year, its been a hoot!

P.S. Some folks wanted a copy of my slides (not very interesting) a little bit more interesting. You can download it here.