Its the student day at TechEd today. I arrived at around 11am this morning after checking in to the hotel across the road. When I got to the conference center there was about one million students there (only a slight exageration) ready to get into a session and talk over.

I also managed to get into Tony Goodhew’s XNA session which I thought was really interesting. Basically this thing is a development platform for computer games which supports the authoring of content and its management as well as the building of applications.

He showed a clip of Projecft Gotham Racing 3 which will be running on XBOX 360. I seriously had trouble telling the difference between between the cars and real ones.

After reading some more e-mails I headed down to the welcome party and managed to catch up with a few people. I really had a lot of fun driving the remote controlled cars with bluetooth conversions. If you get a chance to have a race here are some tips:

  • Use the thumb-pad not the screen, its a binary steering model but its the easiest option for this track.
  • Stay away from other cars unless you are over taking them. They slow you down, keep them way in front or behind you.
  • Car number five is mine

Finally, my first session is on tomorrow at 3:50 PM in Central Room A. Its on building secure web-services using Indigo, so if you want to see what the next generation communications stack for Window has in store for developers come along.

Ari Bixhorn is also doing two sessions earlier in the day that you should if you want to be prepared for my session.