I’ve been spending some time this week planning out my TechEd Australia talk and I am mindful of some peoples opinion of PowerPoint decks. At the same time I know that people will want to be able to download the material from my presentation so that they can go through it in their leisure.

My current plan is to only use slides to introduce myself and the agenda then anywhere I need a visual to help describe a concept. However, everything that I present will be supported by a range of slides which capture the key points and a series of demonstrations.

At the moment I’ve got three high level areas that I want to cover, these are:

  • New generics features in C#
  • New and improved delegates in C#
  • New miscellaneous features in C# comprising:
    • Iterators
    • Accessor accessibility
    • Partial classes
    • Nullable types
    • The :: namespace operator
    • Static classes
    • #pragma warning [n]

These are really the areas that I thought that people would be most interested in, I haven’t sat down and timed myself yet so I may adjust the mix a little bit. If there is something that you think I have missed or would like to expand on please feel free to leave me a comment here and I will try my hardest to accomodate your request.


Generics is obviously one of those 2.0 features that is getting a lot of airplay and I’ll definately be drilling down into it in detail. Expect coverage of the following:

  • Basic how-to’s
  • Notable .NET Framework uses
  • Constraints (struct, class, new(), base-class, interface)
  • Inheritence (open/closed principles)
  • Generic methods
  • Differences between value and reference types
  • The use of the default keyword
  • Usage scenarios, performance implications and recommendations

I’ll back all of it up with little demonstration programs to help drive the key points home. Next up – delegates!


Of all the new features in C# 2.0, one of the ones that excites me the most is a number of evolutionary changes to the delegate infrastructure. Some of the improvements are C# specific syntactic sugar (mmmm. sweets), but a few of them are runtime features that smart guys like Joel Pobar worked on. Expect coverage of the following:

  • Anonymous methods comprising:
    • Basic how-to’s
    • What IL gets produced
    • Scoping tricks
    • Using with the .NET Framework
  • Simplified declaration syntax for delegates
  • Support for contravariance and covariance

In the demonstrations I’ll try to clarify what contravariance and covariance really mean in the context of delegate usage as well as showing some interesting usages for anonymous methods above and beyond the trusty generic list type.


If you have ever implemented your own collections from scratch then you have no doubt known the joy of implementing your own enumerator. I mean they are fun to use and everything – but writing the same code over and over again got a bit tedious. In this session I will look at how we used to build enumerators and then look at this new technique – including a peak behind the scenes at what IL the C# compiler produces to support it.

Accessibility on Accessors

Property accessors of course! The .NET runtime always had support for different accessibility levels on accessors – but C# resolutely refused to work with libraries that used that feature.

In C# 2.0 we now have the ability to specify accessibility on a per-accessor basis and I’ll talk through why this will have a positive impact on your code and whether there are any interoperability issues with other programming languages.

Partial Classes

This is really a feature for the code generation junkies – including the teams behind designers in the Visual Studio environment. It allows you to split source files into multiple parts and have some parts that are generated by wizards, designers and code generators and other parts that allow you to type in your code.

I’ll demonstrate where they are used today and what rules govern their use, and if we have time I’ll see if I can make your head spin with a brief chat around nested partial types

Nullable Types

The impedance mismatch between the .NET type system and relational databases really sucks. The BCL team leveraged generics to produce a value type wrapper that could be nulled out. It is a really neat framework feature with some really succinct supporting syntax in C# (the ? suffix and the ?? operator are among my favourite additions in C# 2.0).

:: Namespace Operator

To be honest I’m really covering this one for the sake of completeness, I haven’t come across too many situations where this will help out since you need to really try hard to get into trouble with namespaces.

Static Classes

VB.NET has had “modules” since .NET 1.0, and with C# 2.0 we get the ability to apply the static keyword to class declarations. This is useful when you want to build a flat API which doesn’t contain any per-instance state but you want to ensure your library users don’t get confused and try and call an instance method.

Its essentially the same as putting a private constructor on a class except that with static classes the compiler steps in and does some sanity checks on the data member and member function declarations.

#pragma warning [n]

Build masters will love this one. In most projects of any scale you are likely to get compile warnings on code that you really can’t (or shouldn’t need to) change. This compiler directive allows you to disable warnings for a segment of code without having to disable for a whole project.

It also means you can turn on warnings as errors to catch out the lazy developers on your team