Robert Scoble is looking for an example of a bad blogger in the business world. Thats a tough one, some people have managed to point out individual blogs that they consider to be bad. The problem is that the quality of a blog changes over time as the author changes so sometimes something that is red hot one minute is going to be a snooze fest the next.

Rather than sledge a few blogs in particular I thought I would list out a few behaviours that I find annoying.

  • Press release feeds that call themselves blogs. Its OK to have an RSS feed and for it not to be a blog – don’t pretend you are conversational if you are not.
  • Blogs that require you to log in before you can comment – I’m not an anonymous poster, but my time is precious to me – respect that!
  • Blogs that are written in the third person  – e.g. “Executive Directory Lawrence Figglebottom did …. today”.
  • My blog when I do any of the above.

Actually I think that we are all bad bloggers, the medium is too young to really have a list of best practices if you know what I mean.