Context: I’m sitting in Bill and Nick’s VB2005 session at Code Camp Oz.

The following four questions have been asked of the audience.

  1. Does VB2005 implement generics fully?
  2. Does VB2005 come with refactoring tools?
  3. Why do you love VB2005?
  4. Name three My.* namespaces.

So, in an attempt to ensure that no VB2005 material leaks out into the developer community I have taken it upon myself to answer these questions so that I can dispose of the giveaways appropriately.

  1. Visual Basic guys don’t like to admit that their language doesn’t have a feature, so I would have to say yes!
  2. Yes and no. There will be a third party product which Microsoft has licensed that uses VS2005 extensibility to supply refactoring to VB2005 users. It is not included in the VS2005 BETA 2 package at the moment but is available as a seperate download.
  3. Poem
     Dim mort As Developer = New VBDeveloper()
     mort.Productivity = mort.Productivity + 1
     AddHandler mort.FiveOClock, AddressOf GoHome
     AddHandler mort.CodeCompiles, AddressOf TeaseCSharpDev
     AddHandler mort.LearnOfNewLanguageFeature, AddressOf ComplainBitterly
    End Poem
  4. My.Application, My.Computer, My.User and My.WebServices, My.Eyes.Are.Bleeding . . .

Enjoy your pointy arrows guys!