Who is Tony Goodhew and why is he important to you as a .NET developer? Well - Tony Goodhew is a Product Manager at Microsoft who is tasked with putting together the plan for Orcas and beyond.

Don't know what Orcas is? Well its the version of Visual Studio that will ship after Whidbey - Whidbey is the absolute next version of Visual Studio that will ship some time this year.

When you talk about Orcas you aren't talking about the bleeding edge, you are way beyond the edge and you're free falling. Once you get used to the uncertainly its kind of fun!

So why on earth would you want to know about Orcas, you're having trouble coming to grips with Whidbey right? Well - the reason is that building a major release of Visual Studio is A LOT of work and planning starts for it way out - so if you want to get your features in for consideration you have to express your opinion early.

So Tony - I've got a few questions for you:

  1. Do you have the BIG vision yet?
  2. Is Orcas going to be the Longhorn development tool?
  3. Are we looking at any new application development models?
  4. Are you going to include my Code Builders feature idea?
  5. How much of a fanatic do you have to be to get on an SDR?